Saturday, July 16, 2011

Casey Anthony Released from Orange County Jail

With the ominous sign of lightning striking overhead, Casey Anthony was set free from custody at the Orange County jail in Orlando, Florida at 12:09 Sunday morning (July 17).

The recently acquitted murder trial defendant exited the facility wearing a bright pink t-shirt and jeans while accompanied by lawyer Jose Baez and a Special Response Team as she was loaded into a black, tinted-out SUV en route to an unknown destination.

Despite the nasty conditions, protestors braved the storm with many of the anti-Casey onlookers holding umbrellas in one hand and signs in the other to show support for Casey's deceased daughter, Caylee Anthony.

One particular lady on hand to witness Miss Anthony's release used her pro-Casey poster to try and block the view of a seemingly pro-Casey picketer's message reading, "Casey will you marry me?"

The Orange County jail discharge comes after Miss Anthony spent nearly two weeks in lockup following her stunning "not guilty" verdicts in the death of her daughter, though she was convicted on four counts of giving false information to law enforcement.

Due to the fact that she already had served three years behind bars with good behavior, the judge ruled that 25-year-old Casey had fulfilled her punishment for the convictions - which led to the quick release.

As for the plans going forth, Anthony's lawyers have confirmed that there have been numerous death threats made against their client - leading them to remain mum on Casey's plans from this point forth.

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