Monday, April 16, 2012

Amanda Bynes Faces More Problems Behind The Wheel

Lately anytime Amanda Bynes is behind the wheel, she finds herself getting into trouble with the law.

After being slapped with a DUI arrest on Friday April 6th, the former child star attracted a lot of attention again when she set out for a drive Sunday night in West Hollywood.

Bynes was spotted around 10:30 p.m. "holding up traffic and doing an incredibly slow 3-point turn in the middle of Robertson [Blvd.]," an eyewitness revealed to People, and that wasn't the only headache she caused.

Eyewitnesses also say, "She looked wobbly – I guess it could have been the heels since she was wearing sky-high nude pumps, but she did seem out of it."

The 26-year-old must have been out of it because she neglected to pay the valet, forcing workers to chase her down inside SUR restaurant and bar for the $8.00 fee.

Despite her recent driving problems, Amanda’s father is jumping to her defense - saying the actress is “a good girl” who does not drink.

Once reports of Bynes' DUI arrest hit the web, her father said, “She was not drunk. I was told that she blew a zero on the Breathalyzer. She didn’t have a single drink that night. My daughter doesn’t drink.”

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